Monday, August 20, 2012

I'm Not Sure

hye! assalamualaikum..
do you need anything to read during this eid?? there was quite a story that can be shared but I'm not sure whether sesuai tak nak cerita.. its start before raya lagi.. I'll make it a bit general here.. not fully focusing on mine.. kadang-kadang hati ni tak tetap.. selalu sangat dia terumbang-ambing.. macam pelampung.. walau dia tak tenggelam, tapi dia still boleh dibawa arus.. terrorkan perumpamaan?? haha.. terkadang kita rasa kita perlu bersikap berterus-terang, showed who you really was, the bad and the good side, like you don't want to be hypocrite or pretentious.. tapi pernah tak terfikir tentang perlunya menjaga tata tertib? perlunya menjaga maruah? perlunya menjaga perlakuan? perlunya menjaga pertuturan? kita pikul banyak tanggungjawab dalam hidup ni.. even yang wajib pun seringkali terkandas untuk memenuhinya.. before talk, think! berdiam do teach us something.. tapi monologue hati banyak sangat pun tak elok..menyesakkan dan boleh buat kita alpa dan riak.. but if we shared with Him, with someone, insyaAllah kita akan nampak jalan penyelesaiannya.. itu satu.. lagi satu tentang pengalaman dan kesilapan.. orang selalu cakap, "belajar melalui pengalaman, melalui kesilapan".. ada betulnya.. kita akan lebih berjaga-jaga sebenarnya.. takut lebih tepat.. takut untuk mengulangi perkara yang sama, yang tidak pasti sama ada ia menjanjikan kebaikan atau sebaliknya..tapi tak semuanya kita boleh belajar melalui pengalaman dan kesilapan.. sesungguhnya kita memerlukan ilmu yang luas itu.. tanpa ilmu, we're nothing actually.. truthful, I'm lack on it.. I'm still seeking for it.. I share based on experience which due me to seek some knowledge on it.. the advice that we're received, actually satu pengajaran buat kita.. I share on general things yang mungkin kita terlepas pandang.. setiap orang mempunyai cerita yang berbeza.. you can't find your exact life story on movies, novels... but you can find the reasons.. everything happens for reason kan? Allah dah menjanjikannya.. when writing like this, I got the answer to my question itself.. that's why I loved writing.. tapi untuk ceritakan exact things, its difficult for me.. because in my life, there's not only me in it.. banyak lagi orang.. :) pasal raya, masih awal lagi nak cerita.. nanti kalau ada, ada laa.. hehe.. but to conclude, I'm in not sure situation.. apa nak buat ea bila dalam keadaan macam ni?? susah tau dak habaq hang.. happy raya korg.. tu je la kot.. babye!

Friday, August 10, 2012

No Description

Assalamualaikum.. hoi.. hmm.. ramadhan tak lama lagi nak beransur pergi.. dan setiap ramadhan sewajarnya kita berubah untuk menjadi yang lebih baik, lebih bertanggungjawab and bermacam-macam lebih lagi.. but only in good things laa.. yg bad things tu jangan laa dilebih-lebihkan.. kita kurang-kurangkan.. I'm not going to talk about this year, sbb tak habis tahun pun lagi, just about this sem in my university.. and for the first time in my campus life, I've received warning letter! memang banyak pun skip class this sem.. admit it.. my bad.. jadual tak berapa nak cantik.. haha.. tengok tu, dia yang tak datang, nak salahkan jadual pulak.. tp mmg betul pun.. one of the factors.. selain tu, overslept! hehe.. sejuk sangat "Muadzamsterdam" ni.. mood pun kadang-kadang tak betul.. kalau takde mood, memang malas giler nak pegi class.. kalau pegi muka  mcm hapetah, tak focus, baik tak payah kan?? duduk rumah lagi best.. plus, this sem boleh dikira every week balik.. penat wo.. sape kata tak penat.. balik pun bukan balik saja.. ada hal and banyak kerja jugak kat sana nak kena settle.. this sem, quite few subject kena catch up.. my carry marks for certain subject pun low habaq hang.. aigoo.. pening den.. and plus, my final on 3rd August! sedihkan.. orang raya, den sibuk membelek buku.. nak buat macam mana.. student life kan.. I hope one day, I'll settle down with good job and good salary! hehe.. talking about Ramadhan, last year was the best.. because it change me for good.. and I'm really thankful for that.. this year, I know that I'm not given my very best.. banyak sangaaaat kurangnya.. nampak tak kemalasan di situ? huhu.. about iftar, that's make me kinda sad.. sbb still tak dapat berbuka dengan important peoples in my life.. Ramadhan tinggal berapa hari je lg.. I don't think I can have an iftar with them all.. but thanks to Allah, I had the chance berbuka, sahur and prays with my beloved family.. that's more important and the happiness tak ada galang gantinya.. pasal raya, Aidilfitri, you know what, on 16th August baru dapat balik.. sedih tahu tak! lagi berapa hari nak raya.. and there're still lot of preparation need to be done.. sambil meluah rasa kat sini, actually tengah tengok iklan raya from Bernas ni.. tak habis buffing pun lagi.. awal-awal ni pun dah buat ceq sedih..  insan yang mempunyai kekurangan dalam menunggu kehadiaran Syawal, tanpa keluarga tercinta, mesti sedih rasanya.. I can't imagine if its happening to me.. I'm not ready.. please let me do what I should first for my family as my responsible.. I want to cherish them, make them happy.. and I really hope that my brother and I, will be a good son and daughter to them.. about Syawal again, this year my mother's turn.. and about gathering with friends, I don't know whether I can make it.. masa sungguh mencemburui kami.. tak tahu dah laa nak cakap apa.. kecelaruan perasaan ni.. haha.. dengan iklan Bernas yang sedih dan tak habis loading lagi ni, bertambah-tambah celarunya.. that's why there's no description about this post.. saja nak membebel..! love peoples that care for you as you still can.. and care for others as you still can.. if you are bona fide, insyaAllah.. segalanya pasti mendapat sesuatu yang baik sebagai ganjaran.. mudah-mudahan.. kita doa je.. its about time to iftar.. cukup sampai sini dulu.. assalamualaikum.. selamat berbuka you alls!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Don't cry.. Don't cry..

Hey! assalamualaikum.. don't you feel sad or feels like crying when you see someone in pain? in sad? I do.. and my tears was so easy to falls if there're a good reason for it laa.. your effort, your humbleness, make you a great person.. it shows how much you had sacrifice to achieve glory.. your tears give us strength while in pain, your sweats shows that you have tried your very best, yet your humbleness make we proud and it showed your honesty and sincerity doing things.. those words for you Datuk Lee Chong Wei.. for a great game in Olympic 2012.. I don't know why, but I felt the sadness too.. the sadness when you can't fulfil someone's wish which you take it as your responsible.. plus, it was your last game.. sure you want to gives the best.. but never mind.. it's end already.. we can't turn back times.. there's must be a reason for you not winning gold medal for Malaysia.. it means maybe its time for you to get married, and trains your son to fight with Lin Dan's son in the future.. haha.. just joking which I'm hoping it to become true.. haha.. I adore you for the good values that you've showed us..anything is possible in life.. yang baik jadikan teladan, yang kurang baik tu dijadikan sempadan! goodnight! jangan lupa bangun sahur! :)

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Power of What??

you concentrate, you feel it, in silence, you're crying.. that's what I become when watching a movie.. hehe.. kalau cite dia sedih laa.. haha.. baru habis tgk one japan movie ni.. Koizora or sky of love.. at first, hmm cite apa deh ni.. lama-lama, hamek kau.. mengalir habis air mata.. the power of what yang buat kita menagis tgk sesuatu movie tu? was it the script? the director? tahap sensitif seseorang? the way the actor and actress sampaikan kat kita? or the power of the feelings itself? the love they show to their family, lovers, friends and to their Creator, how they have been through life, susah senang, sedih gembira, sakit sihat, semua tu factor yg membantu kan? the place, the voice, the lyrics, the song, the expression.. all in one combination.. that's make the power of one story.. and in life, standing alone won't make you strong either.. you need support, guidance, experience, and the reason you're live in this life.. once you have all of it, knowing why and what was it all about, insyaAllah your path will be clearer.. which way should you heading to.. susahnya lah nak tetapkan hati ke jalan yang diredhai.. cabaran, dugaan dan ujian tak kan berhenti.. tapi kita boleh buat pilihan.. jadi jangan lah pilih jalan yang salah.. nak mencuba? cuba yang mendatangkan kebaikan.. yang diwajibkan dan yang disunatkan dulu.. itu pun kita tak terbuat, tak tercuba.. peringatan buat kita semua.. for me especially.. go fighting fam! haha.. tu je la.. saja nak borak-borak malam-malam gini.. now, tidur jom! goodnight! watch what you choose to be, to say, to have and to do.. baik buruk diri kita, hanya kita dan Dia Yang Maha Mengetahui.. assalamualaikum