Monday, July 30, 2012

Scriptwriter and half director!

hei! hehe.. I know the previous entry I said that there's something that I wanted to share.. but sorry, it still in progress perhaps I didn't touch it.. hehe.. but currently I'm busy working on a script.. which we have to present it this thursday or friday.. it's a task for malaysian commercial law.. and I loved it.. I made the concept of fairy tales.. hehe.. If possible, I'll share it here.. and for the past week and continued to today, I'm happy even tired and sleepy.. the reason? let it be secret as secret is the best silence when you don't know the situation is a bad one or a good one! just that! pasal story tu, I'll try to finish it up sebab takde mood pun nak buat kerja lain.. bye! assalamualaikum

Monday, July 23, 2012

It Just Pop Up In My Mind

okay.. first, it just my point of view.. you can never doubt life laa.. its amazingly seriously out of box nak ikutkan.. actually, I'm currently reading one novel yg tak habis2, maybe sebab tebal, faktor masa and etc.. while reading it, rasa sakit laa pulak hati ni.. seriously the plot of the story, dekat semua Malay novel ada.. typical thinking juga laa.. kenapa perlu ada the part yg org dengki, evil plan, evil person and such?? aigoo.. but still is not like I'm condemning here.. personally, I loved reading novel, it just that the part of story yg buat I'll stop reading it for a while.. mengapa di beri bahagia, yg akhirnya akan diuji dgn sakit sekali? kepercayaan goyah, hati mati? I know the life concept which is bukan selalu kita berada di atas, dan bukan selalu juga kita berada di bawah.. hidup bagai sebuah roda.. karma and etc.. memang adil.. and who we are to judge God's plans.. dah tersusun cantik rapi.. ujian diberi tanda kasih sayang Allah kepada kita, mengingati kita agar bersyukur dan sentiasa kembali kepadaNya dan meletak kan dia pada tempat teratas.. hanya Dia.. see?? I ask, dissatisfied semua, at last I got the answer.. hehe.. that's me.. I ask and then I answer it back.. sayang lah Dia lebih dari segalanya.. susahnya nak tetapkan hati pada landasan yang betul.. only pray and doa can help us to achieve it.. so, moral of this entry?? rasa sakit tu akan hilang bila kita ingat pada Dia Yang Maha Esa.. He'll gives the answer.. salam Ramadhan semua..  :)  assalamualaikum

Saturday, July 21, 2012

What is supposed to be......

at first, there was a story about Ramadhan that I wanted to share.. but just because I kept it for a day and its all messed up.. and now emotional unbalanced.. as a normal human being, we always wanted some changes in our life.. but we doesn't know what we wish for is a good thing for us, or is it meant to be at that moment.. but really for me, its better to be left unsaid.. as like what I've wrote in my draft, a secret become a secret itself because there are story that we are hiding from to protect some particular things or a person, and or its just too painful to be told directly.. I've once read that in Islam, there's no coincidence, it's all destiny.. it has been written for us by Him.. nonetheless, we could change it to be better as if it still in His pathway on seeking His guidance to become a better caliph.. its not easy.. we might be good in words and talking, but the action that we take is what His looking forward.. and for that we need strength, patience, and sincerity to keep us tightly hold the responsibility, loyal towards Him and istiqamah, which keep on doing it as our routine.. this month of love between us and Him, lets us make it beautiful and reach for His blessing.. I'm still learning and seeking for God guidance.. I'm begging for all those thing which I lack on and slowly starting to discover an learn.. together we improves ourself in this Ramadhan.. remember, even its just a tiny little changes, the effort we shows, it will be bless.. keep on having faith.. sebab Allah itu Maha Pengampun, Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang serta Maha Pemurah... Assalamualaikum

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Ngantuk sickness!

uishh title dia.. haha.. this kind of sickness selalu datang melanda bila assignment tgh bertimbun, tutorial berlambak,.. apa lg? haa time kita nak study for quiz, midterm, and final.. time tu laa our bed, comforter, bantal busuk semua memanggil-manggil.. menggoda berlebih-lebihan.. time nak bangun pepagi pergi class tu pun menggugat keimanan sungguh.. bukan pagi je laa.. semua waktu.. waaa terlebih jujur ni.. haha.. BUT we need to heal this sickness, seriously.. banyak mudaratnya dari baiknya.. mama selalu marah kalau tidur lebih hadnya, tidur lambat, tidur siang.. tidur pun ada rules tau.. hehe.. tp anak dia ni suka sgt tidur.. and most of the time when I'm in bad mood, sad or something sort of, I prefer to sleep.. because what I'm hoping for is when I woke up, its all gone even just for a while.. lepas tu bangun, mata bengkak macam apa entah sebab nangis.. ikan buntal pun kalah.. hmm.. melalut dah ni.. bukan ngantuk sickness dah ni.. sickness lain pun campur sekali dah.. so, cara nak menghilangkan ngantuk ni selain dari minum nescafe and coffee (which I don't like both) is I don't know.. hehe.. sorry! sbb kalau tahu I maybe tak mengantuk skrg ni ya.. alternatives that you may try maybe go and wash your face ke, brush your teeth, drink water, eat something, watching movie or just listen to music.. perhaps yang rajin tu boleh buat cleaning the whole house ke, exercise, or do your laundry.. which I think in the end will make you guys tired and mengantuk.. so, malam tu lepas Isyak confirm punya mata tu nak lelap.. and esoknya insyaAllah senang bangun pagi.. settle one sickness! bye! goodnight and assalamualaikum :)

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

You'll Be in My Heart

A song title actually.. from the Tarzan movie.. currently listening to it.. there's a Malay version.. both are the best.. have their own interpretation.. but for me, its one of the calmest song.. which sometimes can make you cry a tears.. :p appreciate your family, care them, loves them.. give them little of your precious time, spend valuable moment with them as they are still with you.. make them proud to have you as their son or daughter.. help them, cherish them.. respect them, and one thing that we always forget and kinda hard to do is tell them how much we love them and afraid to lost them and tell sorry when we're hurting them.. human with their ego.. di mana ianya tidak bertempat.. (nasihat dan perlian untuk diri sendiri ni.. hehe) but trust me, all my life, you'll be in my heart my dear family.. mama, papa, daddy and adik.. you're my heart and soul.. the reason of my existence, success, and the way I becoming today.. tak pernah kurang kasih sayang walau banyak badai yang melanda.. I really thank Allah for giving me this priceless gift.. give me an opportunity to repay them and make them happy for the rest of their life.. Amin

My Third Attempts

At last I have the guts to start this third attempts of blog-ing.. It just I have lot to share.. but sometimes it just ended by nothing.. its left unsaid.. deep bury in my heart and mind.. and it do cause pain for me.. so, just wish me luck on this third attempts.. there's quite a reason why I want to start back.. a situation that make me awake by my own safe dream.. assalamualaikum